Hey there. We caught this movie not too long ago and wanted to do a post, but never got to it. First off, if you haven't seen the film, stop reading because there will be spoilers.
The story for the film seems awfully familiar to me. Someone gets a new body part and either that body part takes control, gives off the memory of it's previous owner, or just screws with the person. In this case, Jessica Alba's character is a blind violin player. Pretty damn good one, it seems. lol Anyways, she decides to get a new pair of eyes cause she figures that music "must look beautiful". I thought that was the best line in the film. We all (us seeing folks) associate music as a sound. Music sounds beautiful, but I doubt any one of us ever said, that music looks beautiful.
Anyways, after she gets her eyes she notices shadows moving around. Once she starts telling people about them, they don't believe her. Even her doc is telling her that her brain is having issues taking in all the visuals for the first time. Well, it turns out that she can now see what I like to call, the death escorts. Some shadowy figures that take souls to the after life. Now, these things are hideous. My first impression of these things was that they are taking everyone to hell or god must of run out of angels because EVERYONE that is close to death has one of these things hanging around.
Turns out that Jessica's new eyes belonged to a "bruja" and after meeting the bruja's mom, she realizes that her eyes are showing her what the bruja saw. Which was pretty much death. The bruja wasn't a bad woman, it's just that the town that she lived in was superstitious and since she saw death, she knew who was dying and when she tried to save everyone in a factory, they shooed her away. Turns out the people believed she brought death and the girl hung herself in despair.

On her way home, she encounters a road block with many cars lined up. She then realizes that all the "visions" shes been having led her here to save all these people. Those death escorts start hanging around everyone and Jessica and her doc busts their asses off to get everyone out of their cars and away from this truck with a huge gas tank. Predictably, the tank explodes and everyone is safe... Except for Jessica's eyes, which glass flew in and cut them up.
I had a problem with this part of the movie. The movie is based on cellular memory. The fact that on rare occasions, a transplanted body part "remembers" it's previous owner and instills those memories into the new owner. If Jessica's eyes were giving her the bruja's memories, there is no way in hell that she would have been able to "see" this coming since the bruja never witnessed it. There was absolutely no mentioning of the bruja being able to see the future or anything like that. The bruja was only able to see the death escorts and if the person was already dead, the soul. So the fact that she had visions of this night did not fit in to the story of the bruja.
The movie ends with Jessica playing the violin in front of an audience, now blinded once again.
The movie was not great, but it wasn't bad either. Surprisingly, it was good. Jessica's made some flops of late and I don't recall if this one is considered one of them, but don't take my word for it. It's definitely one to rent. Later!