Hey there. Yesterday was a pretty chill day for us. We ended up getting lunch with my mother in law and then we headed off to the mall to pick up some things. Actually, we went there planning on hitting one store and then leaving, but that never happens. We walked into Hot Topic and picked up some shirts for me and these bad ass guitar pick earrings for my wife. Also got her some leather pants. Can't wait to see her in those. We laughed at the clothes and accessories cause we both said that it's our "rock band" outfits. lol
Anyways, we then passed by EB Games. My wife knows I'm a gamer so she asked if I wanted to look inside. I didn't at first but then said, why not. So we walk in and check it out. I asked the guy if they had those silent pads for the Rock Band drum kit, since they can be kinda loud, especially during the early morning. Our little one likes to pull them out and start banging away on them while singing Nirvana or Garbage. The dude says, "they're over there", so as I begin to walk to "there", I pass by a Guitar Hero: Metallica display. I damn near broke my neck, I turned so fast. My wife laughed at me. I picked up a copy and said that I just need to have it. So I took it to the counter to pay for it. I asked the guy if there were any promos for reserving, since they usually hand something out free when you reserve a game. He said that there was nothing, "yet", but that he'll be cool and call me if something comes up and as a gesture of good will, he handed me a Rock Band 2 shirt. He was planning on giving me two, one for me and my wife, but he only had one. Now, I'm all excited about getting the game! But it doesn't come out until March 29th! UGH!!!!
When we got home, I went online to see if there is any more info that I could check out on the game. I was able to find a recent trailer for the game. Guitar Hero: World Tour has a trailer for it but it's just words across the screen with Metallica music in the back ground. Not much of a trailer. This new one actually shows the band and it looks pretty good. I'm thrilled at the fact that Master of Puppets is on there. They just had to have it on there. It's a killer song and hands down my favorite Metallica song. And the best part??? You can play as a band! Oh man, I'm going to have field day with this one. Get my whole family into this sucker. lmao My instrument of expertise is the guitar, but when I play with my wife and kids, I'm the drummer. Our band, which I'm dubbing right now, "CREEPING DEATH", consists of my boy on guitar, my daughter on vocals, my wife on bass and I on drums. March 29th!!! Can't wait! I already got the damn date circled on my calendar. lol Rock on friends. Later!
You've heard about the innovative thingie they did for the double bass drums, just for 'tallica?
ReplyDeleteI don't have Guitar Hero, but this could change that...
Dude, your post just made my day! My g/f is going to be psyched! We bought World Tour for our Wii in November and we fight over the drums.
ReplyDeleteI don't think she's gonna want to have anything to do with Lars. hehe Rock on!
I hope we get this at work!
ReplyDeleteDunno if you saw this, but I figured that you would enjoy...
Hey there friends.
Yeah, I've heard of that and I found out recently that Gamestop is giving away an extra pedal to those that registered to receive the game when it comes out. I can't wait to give that double pedal a go!
Hell yeah. I was talking to a cuz of mine and he wants nothing to do with the drums on this game. From what he heard, this game is supposed to be "impossible". We'll just have to wait and see.
I want to work where you work!!! Get paid and get to play games?! Sign me up.
Thanks for the set list. I only knew of some of the songs coming out but I didn't have the full list. That set list looks killer. Can't wait to test my chops on songs like War Ensemble.
Thank you all for the comments!