You sit in your favorite chair to watch some TV. You lean over to your coffee table and grab a remote to turn on the TV. You push the power button, only to have turned on your stereo. You shuffle through the remotes and after 2 or 3 minutes, realize that the TV remote is not on the table and you start looking for it.
It's a scenario that I've seen many times. An uncle of mine even went as far as to buy Velcro and tape some to each home appliance that has a remote so that when he tapes some Velcro to the remotes, you can stick it to the corresponding appliance. It was a good idea, it looked extremely tacky, but his system worked for him. But it wasn't without flaws, he still needed to get up and get the remote and when we was done, he had to put that remote back before grabbing another or he'd be in the same boat of having multiple controls in front of him and having to shuffle through them to find the one he needs. Is it not the point of a remote control to turn on the appliance without having to get up? If my uncle is getting up to grab a remote, he might as well turn it on while he's up, defeating the purpose of a remote control.
Not only for him, but for anyone that has way too many remote controls. Take a look at my stash of remotes, and that's not all of them! I couldn't find about 3 of them so add that to the mix and I have at least 8 remote controls! The XBOX 360 control works as my DVD remote so I included it, since it counts as an extra remote to me.

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