Hey there friends. It's the season to start planning a holiday trip! While most people are limited in ideas as to where they can go, the
Accor Hotels 3-Day Super Sale Asia Pacific offers the whole Asia Pacific as a choice for prime vacation spots. With over 1 million hotels available across 15 locations you are sure to find your ideal vacation spot. As of today, 10.28.09, here are the locations and the lowest price that you can get a hotel for.

That's not bad at all! A night in Laos for only $48 USD, a night in Fiji for only $51 USD, and a night in Japan for $112 USD is a pretty good deal as well! I've always wanted to go to Japan. I think that some of their culture and customs are intriguing. It would be great to visit the Land of the Rising Sun and save some money while doing it. But as the title suggests, it's only a 3 day sale so the above deals are only available if booked between Oct. 27th and Oct. 29th. All booked deals are for travel planned during December 09 to April 10, so you can book your stay now and travel at a later date.
I'm running out of time! I know that my wife wanted to travel next year so I need to let her know if these locations intrigue her. I'm pushing for Japan, but we all know that it's all about what my babe wants! Later!
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