Hey there friends. You get only one chance to make a good impression and Gillette is here to make sure you look your best when that chance happens. Gillette has commissioned several surveys to find our what HR professionals are looking for in potential candidates. After all is said and done, well groomed candidates are more likely to get hired and are more likely climb the corporate ladder (read the press conference here).
After gathering the information from the surveys, Gillette has established web pages that you definitely have to check out to better your chances on landing that job. The Gillette Career Advantage is where job seekers can go and get useful information in regards to grooming, style tips, and even take a quiz to test your job market know how. The Gillette Resource Center was created to provide users information in regards to Gillette products and the Gillette company. You can read their latest press releases, find videos on how to shave for that professional look, and read up on their latest products to help you look your best.
Update your look before you update your resume! Make your first impression last by reading up on tips and quizzing yourself on your knowledge. Be prepared to nail that interview with confidence. Best of luck, friends. Later!
I'm thinking this is somthing that a lot of people should pay attention to. Mind you I only work in a grocery store but I can't believe the way people come dressed for an interview. I've never even wore jeans to an interview no matter what type of job I was applying for, but I've seen people dressed like they were headed to the beach.