Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Video Game Reviews are Coming

Hey there.  I've got a new gig doing video game reviews!  How awesome is that?!  Now I have a legitimate excuse, err... I mean reason, to play video games!  I need to go over the terms and conditions of the job to make sure that I am not violating any kind of exclusive rights of any kind.  Since the reviews are for a different site that is not mine, I don't know if I'll be allowed to post the same content elsewhere.  If not, no prob.  I'll just provide a link to my awesome review! 
Now, I'm on the hunt for a good video game renting system...  Should I go with Gamefly?  Which I've heard good and bad things about?  Or should I go with that "Red Box" thing that I have seen pop up on super markets everywhere?  Or should I just borrow them from friends and return them when I see fit?  lol  Since I will be reviewing the games, I figured that it would be an expensive job if I were to have to purchase a game a week so I'm sure it's best to rent them out for a few days to get a good feel for the game.  So what do you guys think?  Any suggestions?  Once I go live, I'll provide more details on where I'll be posting my reviews.  Until then, I'll keep you guys in the dark.  =oP  Later!


  1. Sounds awesome. I would probably just do Red Box, unless you're into super slow ship times with Gamefly. I also made a mistake and sent one of my own games into them by accident and they never would send it back. They kept it and charged me 50 for the game that I rented, because I said I was going to keep it if they didn't give it back. Sadly, I had to return it, since I wasn't paying 50 for a game that is 20 friggin dollars at the store now!

    To make matters worse, they said they sent the game off and that it mysteriously got lost in the mail. Convenient that when it's their own games, they never got lost, but when it comes to someone elses property, it vanishes or is kept by them. SO, don't make that same mistake, as it happened to other people online.

  2. Hey there Jenn,

    I was leaning towards Gamefly, since I'm sure they would have the latest releases, but now I'm not so sure. I haven't heard the masses complain about it, YET, but I'll definitely check it out now.

    RAIDERS VS SEAHAWKS!!!! We're gonna kick your ass, woman!!!! lol


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