Getting your DD214 forms online is extremely easy. Using the DD214 express service from the link that I have provided, you simply fill out the request to have the forms and send them in. If you have a fax number, you can request duplicate forms using the VA fax on demand system. Dial 301-837-0990 from a fax machine and follow the directions. It really is that easy. If you already have a home loan, no problem. You can still take advantage of the awesome VA refinance rates available to you. BUT YOU MUST HAVE YOUR DD214 FORMS.
If you're in the military, you should definitely take advantage of the options available. There is no excuse as to why you shouldn't. These programs are there to help and by not taking advantage, you're just making it difficult on yourself. Do yourself and your family a favor and look into these option. You'll be glad you did. Later!
I'm 85 years old .Lost all papers a long time ago. Can they find my documents with my social sec. number?