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HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!!! Don't get caught in a web!!! lol |
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
GoDaddy Oct. 2012 Promo Codes
Hey there. I just renewed my domain name with GoDaddy.com for another 2 years. I've learned that if you want to be taken somewhat seriuos in this online world, you have to have your own domain name. More opportunities come your way and it's easier to find your site when it comes to online searches. For those of you that know me, I'm always looking for a good deal so I was fortunate enough to have a Godaddy .Com domain renewal promo code to use for Metallman.com! I added a few promo codes here if you guys are looking for a Godaddy .Net renewal promo code or even a more recent Godaddy .Co renewal promo code. I'm not the biggest of fans of the .Co since it's just one letter fewer than .Com but hey, I guess we're running out of domain names, right? lol Anyways, I was able to find a few more GoDaddy promo codes so feel free to take them and get your domain registered or renewed!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Stick it to Viruses! FixMeStick Review and Giveaway
Me and my new ammo against Viruses and Malware! |
Friday, October 26, 2012
A Thirilling, Gaming Experience with DealDash
Hey there. Who's looking to score on some awesome deals? Who wants to get the stuff they want at a discounted price? Who doesn't like feeling like a winner? We've all seen the ads for penny auctions and their promises for awesome stuff for pennies on the dollar. The problem with those penny auction sites, though, is that you have to purchase bids and once you use them and don't win the auction, you're out of luck. Not only do you NOT get what you wanted but you lose out on the money you paid for the bids. This is where DealDash is different!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Thoughts On... The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 2 - Sick
Hey there. Last week's episode was pretty cool and this week's was even better. If you are not watching AMC's The Walking Dead then you must not like great television entertainment. lol Anyways, the third season started with plenty of excitement and this episode definitely continued down that trend. We finally got a glimpse of another group and we find out what ends up happening to Herschel. If you haven't seen this episode, step away and check it out. There will be SPOILERS in this post. Now here are my thoughts on... The Walking Dead S3: E2 - Sick.
Risen 2 from Deep Silver
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Risen 2 and Dead Island Riptide! |
Pictured above... NOT a goofy face! lol |
I haven't played any of the Risen games. What do you guys think of them? Good, bad? Worth spending a generous amount of time on? Let me know! Later!
Check out Risen 2 and Dead Island Riptide on Amazon!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Bioshock Infinite Release Date and Collectors Edition Details
Hey there. FINALLY!!! A release date for Bioshock: Infinite! It was supposed to be out early this year... then it was supposed to be late this year and now... it's February 26, 2013! I can't wait! I preordered this bad boy well over a year ago and when it was pushed back I was discouraged. Good thing I only placed $5 to "hold the game" at that point in time. There will be 2 collector's editions available for the game: The Premium Edition and the Song Bird Edition. Here's what you'll get with the Premium Edition:
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Mud Factor 5K Obstacle Course
Hey there. The year of fitness continues! I came out of the Gladiator Rock'n Run a little bruised up and sore as hell but felt extremely good and proud of myself. Now, the next challenge awaits! The Mud Factor 5K Obstacle course! Only this time, the wife will also participate. It's going to be her first mud run so I'm making sure that she'll be ready to handle the course and I'll help her where I can. I can't wait for this one to go down! The only problem??? It's in San Bernadino... That's about an hour drive away from Los Angeles. I don't mind driving... but when I know it's a long trip I turn into a little kid and wonder when we'll get there. lol Anyways, I'm looking forward to going out there and earning my third medal of the year! I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Any of you Southern California friends going to be at the Mud Factor mud run? Time to turn up the workouts to 11 and get ready for another mud filled day of obstacles!!! Later!
Any of you Southern California friends going to be at the Mud Factor mud run? Time to turn up the workouts to 11 and get ready for another mud filled day of obstacles!!! Later!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
God of War Saga Winner - Persist
Hey there. I wanted to give a shout out to the winner of the God of War Saga giveaway. The winner, Persist, made a special request upon winning the giveaway. He entered to win, but couldn't wait and ended up buying the game before he was chosen as the winner. In lieu of the game, we decided on a $30 PSN network card. I want to keep my winners happy, you know. lol You can't really provide a picture of PSN codes so I told him that I would give him a winners post regardless!
Persist can be followed on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and many other social media outlets. He's created quite a few music videos that are pretty awesome. If you love the hip hop scene, you should check out his music at PersistMuzik. Congrats, Persist! Hope you stick around and enjoy the site! Later!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Thoughts On... The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 1 - Seed
Hey there. Who caught the season 3 premier of The Walking Dead last night??? Let me rephrase that... Who DID NOT watch The Walking Dead last night!?!?! AMC's insanely popular show finally returned last night with the first episode of the season 3. The last episode of season 2 ended on such a high note that many fans were curious to see how the show would maintain the high intensity. Michonne made an appearance, the farm was overrun by zombies, Shane's dead, Lori's preggers, we get a glimpse of the prison, and Rick.... Rick finally asserted himself as the man in charge, proclaiming that this is "no longer a democracy." If you have yet to see S3:E1 - Seed, of the The Walking Dead, DO NOT CONTINUE. SPOILERS BELOW. This is not a recap of the episode. You can go elsewhere for that. These are just some observations and thoughts that I had while watching the show. Now... here are my thoughts on... Seed.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thoughts On... LIMBO
Hey there. I have always been fascinated by PlayDead's Xbox Arcade megahit, LIMBO. When the demo was released, I immediately downloaded it. When the price of 1200 MS was announced, I was extremely hesitant in purchasing the game. Many reviews at the time criticized the "short gameplay" and I really like to get a good bang for my buck. Today, you can get LIMBO, Trials HD, and Splosion Man for about $20. I managed to score enough free MS points through the Xbox Reward program so I ended up coughing up the 1200 to download the game. I know... I know... Playdead's LIMBO was the talk of the town when it came out and I'm just getting around to it now. Aside from a few screen shots, I made a conscience effort to stay away from ANYTHING that would spoil the game for me. Thank goodness, I did. LIMBO is more than just a game, it is art. If you haven't had a chance to play the game and plan to, step away now. Go kill a few hours and play LIMBO and then come back to discuss. SPOILERS BELOW! Now, after my first playthrough, here are my thoughts on... LIMBO.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Google Adsense Account Disabled
Hey there. When I first started this blog many moons ago, I looked around for ways to earn a few extra bucks from it. I remember getting my feet wet in programs like ProjectWonderful and CMF ads. When I learned that it could all be so easy if I just signed up with Google AdSense, I did and it was great. I remember earning close to $30 my first month and I was pretty excited about that. I told myself that my blog is still a nobody site and if I were to have better than decent traffic, my Google AdSense earnings would multiply! Then... just like that, my account was disabled. WHAT!?!?!?! I was extremely disappointed. I appealed but I got nowhere. And the worst part is that they do not offer you an explanation. They simply state that they cannot provide any details at this moment. I do not like that answer. If there is something wrong, whether it's my fault or not, I would like to know! How else am I going to fix the problem? Do I have offensive material on my site? Did an inappropriate ad display on my site? Were there invalid clicks? Tell me what was/is the problem?!?! I never found out. Fast forward close to 5 years later and I reapplied for Google AdSense. After another site review, I was accepted! Oh happy days are upon us!!! Then... 2 days later, my account was suspended... AGAIN! WHAT!?! And again, for reasons unknown. What really upset me this time around, though, was that my site was reviewed and got the OK from Google Adsense a mere 2 days BEFORE being disabled! If there was something wrong with my site, why would they OK it only to disable it a mere 2 days later???
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The Gladiator Rock'n Run at the Rose Bowl was Awesome
Gladiator Rock'n Run at the Rose Bowl |
Monday, October 8, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Dark Shadows Movie Combo Giveaway
Hey there. I was just offered the opportunity to provide you guys with another great giveaway! This time, from our good friends at Warner Bros. have offered to provide a Dark Shadows movie Combo Pack (Blu Ray, DVD, and UV Digital copy), starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton, to you guys, my fine readers! The only thing that I ask is for a little interactive fun. Below is the official Dark Shadows app. Click, browse and share what you find in the app. The only mandatory entry that I ask of will be to share what the Horror Scope has to say about your birthday! Here's mine!
Tyranian Taurus! I like the sound of that! So what's yours? Click on the app below and find out! And don't forget to enter to win using the giveaway widget! This will be a quick draw giveaway and will be open for a little over a week. Giveaway ends on Oct. 15th and the winner will be contacted on Oct. 16th. Make sure to share the giveaway since PunchTab offers bonus entries that those who share! Good luck! Later!Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Hunger Games Movie Giveaway at Film Book
Hey there friends. I saw The Hunger Games film not too long ago and even though I hear that the book is superior to the film, I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. It may be the fact that I love competition and a competition to the death is right up my alley. When I get a chance, I plan on reading the books. Because I'm a Kindle Fire owner, I have access to the borrowing library at the Amazon book store. It's great, I can borrow a book a month. I grabbed The Hunger Games and my 11 year old daughter blazed right throught it! She's already finished Catching Fire and is now reading Mocking Jay. I guess these books are the real deal! Anyways, our good friends at Film Book are offering The Hunger Games on Blu Ray. The giveaway will run from now until Oct. 21st. 3 winners will be selected to receive their own copy of the The Hunger Games on Blu Ray shortly after that! You can enter the giveaway by using the widget below. You can also score additional entries and reading all the terms and conditions in the original post.
So tell me, which one of the 3 books is your favorite? Or are you waiting to catch the story in movie theaters? Later!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Swagbucks Promo: Are you a Vampire or Zombie?
Hey there. Swagbucks is in the Halloween spirit and is kicking off the month of October with a great way to earn extra swagbucks! Starting today, Oct. 3rd, they holding their most ghastly contest between 2 teams: Zombies vs. Vampires! Which team are you a part of? Here's a little bit more from Hal, the Swag Guy:
"Swagbucks puts the "treat" in Trick or Treat with its latest team challenge: Zombies vs. Vampires. Starting Oct 3rd through the rest of the month, this ghastly team challenge will make your Daily Earning Meter more rewarding and help you earn reward points towards free stuff. Every day from the start of the challenge, you can win a point for your team by completing your Daily Ghoul. Whether your a zombie or vampire, score points fro your team to be declared the ultimate monsters."
What? Not signed up yet? Well, get to it, friends! I've already earned multiple Amazon gift cards and I have more just within my reach. I've been assigned to the Zombie team and I'm ready to kick some butt and earn me some more Swagbucks! See you there! Later!
DO MORE for NO MORE to End Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Hey there. See that button up there? That is the official button of NoMore.org. The awesome group behind a strong movement to stop domestic violence and sexual assault. It's a great cause to get behind. No one should have to go through something as painful and traumatizing as domestic abuse or sexual assault. I come from a bad neighborhood in South Los Angeles and it was not uncommon to see or hear violence out in the streets. On certain nights I would see a man and a woman yelling and fighting outside of their house. I had friends that were sexually assaulted as kids and it took a great deal of therapy to help them get through that kind of trauma. I've seen it first hand and during my school days, I helped friends where I could. Now, as an adult, as a father, I can do more.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
NVIDIA 3D Vision 2 Wireless Glasses Kit Giveaway
Hey there. Who is ready for another giveaway?!?! This one for the gamers out there! Who wants to win this awesome NVIDIA 3D Vision 2 Wireless Glasses Kit??? I have partnered up with our good friend Lucy at Love, Lucy and I have managed to bring this awesome giveaway to fruition. So what are they? These glasses will provide you with some of the best there is in 3D technology. With lenses at least 20% larger than most 3D glasses, you can actually wear your prescription glasses under these NVIDIA 3D glasses! They connect to your display via it's built in IR receiver and with over 60 of battery life, you won't have to stop during your game session or movie night! The conveniently charge through a 2.0 USB port and if you aboslutely have to, you can charge and use them at the same time. How awesome is that!
Now, I do have to point out that you WILL need a display that offers 3D capabilities. You cannot wear these glasses and magically turn every monitor into a 3D monitor. If being used on a computer or laptop, you will need a 3D display capable video card. Other than that, these should work with any 3D vision ready displays. Also, this is a single pair of glasses. I don't want anyone to be confused by the number 2 in the giveaway. The kit includes a single pair of 3D glasses.
So who's ready to enter? The giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents and will run from now until Nov. 25th. The winner will be announced shortly after that. If the winner is from our neighbor up north, the winner will have to pay all shipping costs. Good luck friends! Later!
Monday, October 1, 2012
The World's Hottest Chicken Wings
How spicy can they be? I mean, they are only made with chile peppers with skull faces on them! |
Punchtab Top Points Earner for September Winner
Hey there. Last month, I announced that I would give a $5 prize to the top points earner on Punchtab. It's my way of rewarding you guys for tweeting, commenting, +1inning, liking on FB, and visiting. Punchtab will award you 100 points for doing any of those actions and at the end of the month, I'll review the leaderboard and award the top spot a $5 cash prize via PayPal or a $5 Amazon giftcard. Not all of us have Paypal so an Amazon giftcard is a good alternate. If there is a tie, I'll assign a number to the top spots and have random.org select the winner for me. So let's get to it! Our first winner is...
Christian Ampoloquio! Congrats, my friend! You win money! 2nd place missed the prize just 100 points! So close! The new month starts today and we'll see who will take the top spot on Nov. 1st! Don't forget to comment, tweet, and all the other good stuff to rack up those points! Good luck! Later!
The Avengers Blu Ray Movie Giveaway at Film Book
Hey there. Who loved the movie, The Avengers? I know I did. It was part of an awesome class of super hero movies that were released this year. I thought that only the latest Batman film surpassed The Avengers when it comes to heroes vs villains. Anyways, I have teamed up with our good friends at Film Book to bring you the opportunity to score Marvel's The Avengers (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo in Blu-ray Packaging)! I love watching movies in the theaters when they first come out but what I really love about owning the film in Blu Ray or DVD is the extras that you get. I get all geeked out about all the behind the scenes type stuffs and the audio commentary during the movie is my absolute favorite! You can enter the giveaway here on Metallman's Reverie using the rafflecopter below. You can also gain additional entries by check out the giveaway post at Film Book! The best part??? There will be THREE winners! Giveaway ends at 11:45 EST on Nov. 20th and a winner will be contacted shortly after that! Good luck, friends!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Dead Island Game of the Year Winner
Hey there. It's time to announce a winner of the Dead Island Game of the Year Edition for the PS3 or Xbox 360! But first, I asked you guys which is your favorite zombie flick and it was pretty close between Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead. Personally, I like them both but I would give the slight nod to Zombieland over Shaun of the Dead. Shaun of the Dead is a great homage to all zombie cliches but I like the originality of Zombieland and Bill Murray's, "Garfield, maybe." is one funny as hell line in the movie!!! Ok... enough blabber! And the winner is...
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