Time to work on this chest!
Hey there. One of the things that I wish I had more time for is fitness. This past year, my fitness routine has suffered. I don't have time for the gym, I don't have time to go run in the mornings (unless it's during the weekend), and I don't have time to do anything else but work. Sounds like a bunch of excuses, right? Well, I thought the same thing! No excuses! I have a body, I have arms and legs, have a heart, and I have a determination to get and stay fit! So... since time is a factor, I decided that I'm going to try several workout stuffs at home. I've already had a great start with one hell of a jump rope but that's mainly for cardio. I need something that's going to help make me look and feel stronger and nothing screams out strength like a well defined chest and arms! And to help me achieve those results? The
Iron Chest Master by Ron Williams! Our good friends at Iron Chest Master saw that I needed the workout and sent me the Iron Chest Master by Ron Williams to try out and review! After a few weeks of building a better upper body, I am ready to give you guys the scoop on this awesome home exercise device! So let's get right into my experience with this awesome machine!