Ms Jacqui Holland, everybody! |
Hey there. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks. I entered "vacation mode" and stepped away from blogging while I attempted to stop the holidays from Falcon Punching my wallet. lol Anyways, 2013 is now in the books and in the past. 2014 is a week old and is already looking promising. Here's what I have in store for you guys.
First off, we brought the Get a Life Podcast back. It was on hiatus for a bit and was on a 3 week vacation these past three week but fear not dear Metal Maniacs (Metallman fans... maybe? lol the fan name is still a work in progress)! We have 2 guests lined up to join us in the coming weeks. Australian indie developer, Witch Beam, Co-Creator Santana Mishra will join us to disuss the Xbox One Parity Clause and Witch Beams' latest game, Assault Android Cactus, being released on PC. We also have the beautiful, talented, and self proclaimed geek, actress Jacqui Holland, lined up to have a chat about her up coming films, her production company, MindFuc Films, and just generally geeking out over horror films and pop culture!