Hey there. Ready for another episode of Get a Life? On
last week's podcast, we brought up the
Dragoncast on Dragonblogger and made the announcement that Edmund McMillen would be a guest on a future podcast. If you had haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, you definitely should! This week, we talked about video game delays (I'm looking at you, Bioshock Infinite!) and the integrity of gaming. Take a listen and let us know what you think. If you listened to last week's show, you'll know that we are having Edmund McMillen (The Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy fame!) and we are taking questions for Edmund McMillen via comments or Email! If you have any questions for Edmund, please feel to let us know. If you question is asked, we'll make sure to mention your name and state and give you credit for the question. Lastly, if you are interested in being a guest on the Get a Life podcast, please feel free to shoot us an Email (ContactMetallman@gmail.com)! And now... Get a Life Ep. 2! Listen in!