Hey there. I love sports. Though my basketball team and football team are horrible this year (Raiders haven't won a game this season and the Lakers notched their 2nd win of the season last night), it doesn't stop me from enjoying the games. I'm a fan of the sport so it really doesn't matter to me who's on the screen as long as it's a good game. But why not take it step further? Why not make watching a little more interesting? This is why I love fantasy sports. I've been playing fantasy football for a few years now and I can honestly say that since I started playing, my enjoyment of the NFL has increased. Because I can pick and choose players from many teams to create my fantasy team, I end up following more games, I end up being exposed to different styles of play, and I end up appreciating what other teams are doing. The same applies to fantasy basketball or any other fantasy sport that you may look into getting. Because I choose players from many different teams, I tune in to see how they are doing. And I'm not the only one. It's why sites like
Fanduel do so well. You can play for free, but you can also plop down a dollar and see how you do. Well... I recently accepted an offer from Fanduel to play a cash game for free. Why not, I said. Well... this is what happened from that free game...