Hey there friends. Last night's games were brutal. There were a lot of players that didn't break 30 fantasy points and I didn't think I would be able to make the night a winning night. Luckily, my lineups pulled through in the end and I had a positive night, along with this first place win.
Showing posts with label Winners. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winners. Show all posts
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Fanduel NBA Winner 06.09.21
Hey there friends. So last night one of my NBA lineups came in first place! Too bad that I wasn't the only one, it seems. lol In this contest, 1st place is set to win $400 but because there were so many players tied for first, including myself, we had to split the winnings. So... my win ended up being $2.51 for first. But NEVERTHELESS, it is a first place win and it feels good to know that the lineups I create are good enough to be at the top!
Thursday, July 17, 2014
The LEGO Movie Blu Ray Combo Pack Winner
Hey there. It's been awhile since we've received a winner's photo. Each winner is given the option to provide a picture for a post and it's made clear that it's completely optional. That's why when I do receive one, I want to acknowledge the winner for sending one in and giving them a shout out. So please join me in congratulating Johnna R! Congrats on winning The LEGO Movie Blu Ray Combo Pack and hope you'll stick around for future giveaways!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia Winner
Hey there. Check out this awesome picture that I received from Laura, The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia book winner! Awesome picture, Laura! Thanks! Looks like you'll be holding that book dear to your heart!
Monday, June 17, 2013
The Best of Warner Bros 100 Film Collection Winner
Hey there. Check out this great pic I received from Alison, the winner of The Best of Warner Bros. 100 Film Collection! 100 WB films in one huge collection! The collection includes classic films as well as recent films. And the best part? The collection is a limited edition set so I'm glad that I was able to give one away to one of my readers! Yup, that gold sticker on the bottem right verifies the this collection will not be around for ever so if you plan on owning a piece of history, you may want to pick this up right away!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition Winner
Congrats, Christina! |
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Zombie Response Authority Los Angeles Tank Top Winner
Monday, February 4, 2013
PunchTab Top Points Earner for January 2013 Winner
Hey there. Thank you all for Tweeting, Commenting, +1ing and all that good stuff. We started off the new year on a shaky start. It's weird to me how my pageviews from Google gradually diminished through the month. It was a little weird and I'm still trying to get to the bottom of it. But either way, I still plan on rewarding you guys for stopping by and spreading the word about Metallman's Reverie. So let's get straight to it. And the winner is...
Monday, January 14, 2013
Get a Life Podcast Ep. 5 - The One with The Demise of THQ and The Susbstance of a Great Game

Also, I wanted to thank Dan Teasdale once again for being our guest last week! It was a great conversation and if you guys missed any of it, make sure to check it out here! To other news, I'm excited to announce that Nels Anderson (Of Mark of the Ninja fame) will be on our next episode so make sure to tune in later this week when that podcast goes live! Mark of the Ninja is on hell of a game and if you haven't had a chance to play, get to it NOW! We'll have more on Nels and the game during next week's show! Now, here's the latest episode of the Get a Life Podcast! Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Friends: The Complete Series Blu Ray Boxed Set Winner
Hey there. Recently, I haven't received many pictures from my winners so I haven't had a winners post in quite some time. Good thing that the winner of the Friends: The Complete Series on Blu Ray came through with a picture! Check out this awesome pic!!!
Here are a few words from the winner, John C!
I sincerely appreciate your site's POV and I really do hit it almost everyday...and NOT just to enter your giveaways! Ha! But it's a nice bonus. I have your podcasts saved to my desktop and I will be sure and post feedback once I have had a chance to listen to them a couple of times. I am one of those people that throws a ton of podcasts on my desktop and listens to them all day long... and a couple of gaming and movie podcasts are among the many I regularly download. So you are good company. I wish you well over the holiday season!
Thank you John! I greatly appreciate the picture and kind words. Especially since the picture has some of my favorite stuffs in it! I see Dwight from The Office, The Hulk, Shaggy, and a good ol' thumbs up! Later!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Risen 2 from Deep Silver
![]() |
Risen 2 and Dead Island Riptide! |
Pictured above... NOT a goofy face! lol |
I haven't played any of the Risen games. What do you guys think of them? Good, bad? Worth spending a generous amount of time on? Let me know! Later!
Check out Risen 2 and Dead Island Riptide on Amazon!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
God of War Saga Winner - Persist
Hey there. I wanted to give a shout out to the winner of the God of War Saga giveaway. The winner, Persist, made a special request upon winning the giveaway. He entered to win, but couldn't wait and ended up buying the game before he was chosen as the winner. In lieu of the game, we decided on a $30 PSN network card. I want to keep my winners happy, you know. lol You can't really provide a picture of PSN codes so I told him that I would give him a winners post regardless!
Persist can be followed on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and many other social media outlets. He's created quite a few music videos that are pretty awesome. If you love the hip hop scene, you should check out his music at PersistMuzik. Congrats, Persist! Hope you stick around and enjoy the site! Later!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Punchtab Top Points Earner for September Winner
Hey there. Last month, I announced that I would give a $5 prize to the top points earner on Punchtab. It's my way of rewarding you guys for tweeting, commenting, +1inning, liking on FB, and visiting. Punchtab will award you 100 points for doing any of those actions and at the end of the month, I'll review the leaderboard and award the top spot a $5 cash prize via PayPal or a $5 Amazon giftcard. Not all of us have Paypal so an Amazon giftcard is a good alternate. If there is a tie, I'll assign a number to the top spots and have random.org select the winner for me. So let's get to it! Our first winner is...
Christian Ampoloquio! Congrats, my friend! You win money! 2nd place missed the prize just 100 points! So close! The new month starts today and we'll see who will take the top spot on Nov. 1st! Don't forget to comment, tweet, and all the other good stuff to rack up those points! Good luck! Later!
Dead Island Game of the Year Winner
Hey there. It's time to announce a winner of the Dead Island Game of the Year Edition for the PS3 or Xbox 360! But first, I asked you guys which is your favorite zombie flick and it was pretty close between Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead. Personally, I like them both but I would give the slight nod to Zombieland over Shaun of the Dead. Shaun of the Dead is a great homage to all zombie cliches but I like the originality of Zombieland and Bill Murray's, "Garfield, maybe." is one funny as hell line in the movie!!! Ok... enough blabber! And the winner is...
Monday, September 10, 2012
God of War Saga Winner
Hey there. Time to announce a winner of the God of War Saga giveaway! This was one of the more popular giveaways that I've had and it just comes to show that Kratos is one popular character. I asked what God of War games you guys have not played and it's pretty clear that most of you have played them all. If anything, the PSP titles were the ones that didn't get as much play time. Anyways, time to announce the winner! And the winner is...
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Final Fantasy XIII-2 Winner
Hey there. It's time to announce a winner!!! I asked you guys which Final Fantasy game was your favorite and there was no doubt that the majority love Final Fantasy 7. Final Fantasy 6 came a close second! Personally, I'll always give Final Fantasy 7 the edge since that was the first FF game in which I pulled all nighters to play. Anyways, we are not here to reminisce. We are here to announce the winner of Final Fantasy XIII-2. And the winner is...
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Adventure Time Season 1 DVD Winner
Hey there. It's time to announce the winner of The Complete First Season of Adventure Time! I love the adventures of Jake the Dog and Finn the Human and I'm not the only one. Many of you guys entered and it from the comments, it seems that many of you guys love Lumpy Space Princess or LSP. I love that character too. Anyways, enough rambling! And the winner is...
Friday, July 6, 2012
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Winner
Hey there. I have been out on vacation and didn't post the winner a few days ago. No worries, though! I am back in work mode and am getting to that now! Link and Zelda have always been a favorite of mine and it looks like it's yours too. This was one of my most popular giveaways to date. Thank you guys. But enough rambling! And the winner is...
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Secret World of Arrietty Blu Ray/DVD 2 Disc Combo Winner
Hey there. It's time to announce the winner of The Secret World of Arrietty blu ray/DVD 2 disc combo!!!! I'm a huge Studio Ghibli fan and I'm sure that those of you that entered to win this film are as well. The comments on your favorite Miyzaki film varied but I think that Princess Mononoke may have taken the cake as Metallman's Reverie's readers favorite. Great choice, friends. Now, on to the winner. And the winner is...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Winner - Jennifer D.
Hey there. Check out this great pic that I recently received from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess winner!
Thanks Jennifer! You can follow Jennifer on Facebook and check out all the awesome giveaways that she has entered and shared. I'm glad that my giveaways have found a home there! Thanks again Jennifer and hope to see you stick around for more free stuff!!!! Later!
Thanks Jennifer! You can follow Jennifer on Facebook and check out all the awesome giveaways that she has entered and shared. I'm glad that my giveaways have found a home there! Thanks again Jennifer and hope to see you stick around for more free stuff!!!! Later!
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