Monday, April 13, 2009

A Long Break Needed

Hey there. We had ourselves a nice, long 4 day weekend. We took Thursday and Friday off from work so that we can have at least 2 full days with the kids during their Spring Break vacation. Even though, it was supposed to be a time of relaxing, we spent a lot of time running around. lol

On Thursday, we deposited checks into the bank (this is a big deal for us since we RARELY go to the bank. We don't carry around much cash and any cash that is drawn is usually in the form of "cash back" at local retailers), our boy needed a hair cut (which lasted almost an hour!), and then we had our doc appointment to check up on our soon to be little one. The kids were pretty excited, since Dr. Hill played the baby's heart beat out loud so we can all hear. Strong, healthy baby, as she said. We ended the evening with a family dinner at Norm's.

On Friday, I took a trip to the county registrar. Oh man, was that a nightmare. We needed our little one's birth certificate and because I'd figure it would be a in and out trip, we didn't give ourselves much "wiggle" room for time. After spending what felt like an eternity, we zoomed to my mother in law's place, where my wife was anxiously waiting for me, and with out hesitation, my mother in law jumped out of the car, and my wife jumped in and off we went to Lip Service. A friend of ours works there and she was able to score us some bad ass deals on clothes. No BS, we managed to score 5 shirts for my wife and this bad ass jacket for me and our total was like $25. Now that is a bargain! From there, we grabbed something to eat and off to the mall for some maternity clothes and shoes, since my wife needed some. We managed to score on the clothes but was only able to find one pair of shoes that were her taste. While at home, my wife scheduled a Rock Band night for a weekend coming up. She threw in a twist though. Everyone invited is to be dressed up as a "rocker". lmao You know I'll be posting pics of that!

Saturday was more of a work day, I guess. I spent a good chunk of the morning doing house work, which included yard work (I hate weeds!) and washing the car. Other than that, this was our day to rest. We took the afternoon off and just relaxed some. That night our little one said something that we weren't expecting for another 15 or so years... She marched out of her room, came directly to me and said, "Daddy, I want a dragon on my arm just like you." We laughed. It was so sudden and unexpected. So I did what any sane parent would do, I grabbed a pen and drew one for her. lmao Check it out. She looks sooooo happy. lol

This little one. I know we are going to have our hands full.

Sunday was Easter Sunday. We went to my wife's Aunt's house for an egg hunt, but before that, we had our own hunt at home. We didn't just hand the kids their baskets, they had to earn them. The night before, my wife and I sat and came up with clues to guide the kids to their baskets. They had the camcorder with them so we got it all in their perspective. Over at egg hunt, my wife's cousins filled some of the eggs with confetti or baby powder so many people got smashed in the head with them. There was a HUGE mess on the floor and because of it and because of it, people slipped as they walked. I tripped out most of the afternoon on my brother in law. He's about 13 and just sat in a chair camping out, surveying the area to assure that he would not be ambushed. It seemed as if he was playing a real life game of Rainbow 6 or something. lol Man, that was hilarious.

I also caught this one movie called Old Boy. I want to get into detail with that one so I'll do separate post, but I do want to say is that this movie is BAD ASS! Later!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

911, What's Your Emergency?

Hey there. Things are getting a little nuts out here in this place we call the U.S. of A. A few weeks back, a woman called 911 for emergency help because McDonald's had run out of Chicken McNuggets. Now, I see this morning, that another woman (which sounded very much like the first woman) called 911 to request help because a restaurant was out of shrimp. SHRIMP! What the hell? I'm baffled as to why the dispatcher even gave her the time of day, let alone actually send a policeman to the scene. I mean, c'mon people... We have murderers, rapists, terrorists, and what not that need to be caught and we're sending our policemen to a restaurant because they ran out of shrimp?!?!? Really, now? Are we so free of crime that we actually have the resources to go and check this out? Now, I may not have all the facts straight, but it's beginning to get on my nerves, that shit like this is even making it on the news. This isn't news. This is stupidity. Why are we even wasting air time with dolts like this? Don't get me wrong, I love a funny story and I'd laugh my ass off if this was on some kind of TV special called, "When Idiots Call 911", the upsetting part is that police were actually sent. Does anyone know what the protocol for something like this is? Are they obligated to send someone to each 911 call they get? I'm extremely curious as to how our national emergency system works cause I'd be pissed off if I'm getting stabbed and my 911 call isn't going through cause the cops are out there attending to a chicken nugget dispute. Later.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2 Day Hiatus

Hey there. Sorry to my Entrecard friends. I have not dropped on any of them for about 2 days now. I'm not planning on severing myself from the service, it's just that I've been feeling pretty damn tired and have been pretty damn lazy to do it. I tend to get to my blog reading (and dropping) at approx. 10PM. Because of that, I usually don't go to bed till close to midnight. It's not all the web's fault, Family Guy is on at 11PM and I'll find myself watching it while online. I pretty much consider this "my online work" because, let's face it friends, dropping and reading can be a time consuming and tedious task.

Last night, I got to thinking of my online work and was about to get started on it, until I flipped the channel and started watching this one movie called Shooter. I don't know what it is with me and snipers but I thought the movie was pretty bad ass. Nowhere near as good as Enemy at the Gates (one of the most bad ass sniper movies EVER) but nevertheless, a good flick. Then I noticed that our cat was outside and I had out there and get him. I spent a good 15 mins out in the cold trying to get our cat out of the neighbors yard. I wouldn't doubt it if that's why I'm feeling like crap today. I felt hot as hell this morning and I started coughing up all kinds of crap... I came in to work though, figuring it would calm down some... It has, but still, I'm not up to snuff right now.

At least we're getting Thursday and Friday off. The kids are on spring break this week and we weren't able to get the whole week off, like we usually do, so we had to settle for 2 days. It would suck if we spent those 2 days sick... Later!

A Prize a Day Keeps the Gloom Away at Charter

Hey there friends. As many of you know, I am on a mission to cut some expenses, or at least trim them the best I can. I've already decided that my current cable TV is just not cutting it (price wise) so I've been shopping around for a good deal. Well, look at what I've stumbled upon. Our good friends at Charter have come up with another brilliant give-a-way to bring a smile to their new and existing customers. I'm sure we've all had that feeling before, where you sign up for a service only to find that a week later, that same service is offering some kind of freebie. I hate when that happens. I'll end up kicking myself and saying that, "I should've waited!" Well, you won't be kicking yourself with this because existing customers that upgrade will also be included in the sweepstakes. Great way to look out for your customers, Charter .

They have been at the sweepstakes game for a while now and many of the prizes given include laptops, XBOX 360s, and one lucky subscriber drove off with a new 2009 Honda Hybrid. So what's the prize this time around? A new 22" Samsung HDTV! A 22" TV will be given out daily during the month April so there is still time to get on board and get your name in the drawing for the free TV. Everyone that qualifies for the TV also qualifies for the grand drawing of free HDTV service for a full year, a 52" Sony Bravia HDTV AND home theater system. How can you not be interested?

What will Charter come with next? They are beginning to build a good reputation as a company that wants to reach out to their customers. These monthly give-a-ways are a great way draw positive attention to the company and from what I hear, they are now venturing off into the realm of Twitter. A company that has open communications is one that I definitely want to be associated with. The one thing that really upsets me is awful customer service and if I have more options in which I can get some answers to my questions, the better the company is in my eyes. Later!



Friday, April 3, 2009

Mandatory Metallica

Hey there. My name is Metallman and I'm an addict. ADDICTED TO METALLICA!

I'm in full blown Metallica status. Ever since I've found out about the Mandatory Metallica channel on XM Radio, I haven't stopped listening to them. They're EVERYWHERE! They're in my head, I'm constantly singing songs in my head (Mainly, No Leaf Clover... Go figure). They're in my XBOX 360, GH: Metallica is starting to get a grip on me. They're in my TV, Fuse is constantly playing Metallica stuff due to their induction to the Hall of Fame (I hate you, Susan!!!). They're in my radio, Death Magnetic hasn't come out of the CD player since I've had it. They're in my veins, I've pulled out Skully on a couple of nights and played whatever came out of XM (covers ain't all that bad, my friend). I think I finally made my wife snap with this over indulgence of all things Metallica. lol

While riding in the car, listening to Metallica, in a soft voice, she says, "Babe, I'm all Metallica'd out." I didn't think it was possible. lol But alas, it happened to my wife. I switched it over to KROQ and listened to what was playing there, but it got me wondering if my overindulgence will one day cause me to not want to hear them anymore. I doubt it, but nevertheless, it made me wonder.

Later in the evening, after some much needed "mommy and daddy" time, Metallica was back on the TV. First, on XM, then on my XBOX. I think the kids have Metallica on the brain too. My boy plays One on his PSP constantly, our daughter can't get enough of all the Metallica specials on Fuse, and last night the kids were playing Master of Puppets on the XBOX. Looks like we have a pair of up coming metal heads. lol

My name is Metallman and I'm an addict. Later!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Is Entrecard Consulting Satan?

Hey there. It's the middle of the day, and I'm checking my stats, referrals, and what not for Metallman's Reverie. As I'm checking out my referrals, I came across an interesting number... According to Project Wonderful, I have 666 referrals from Entrecard!!!! Dun! Dun! Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn! I got my eye on you, Entrecard. Is this whole "Ad Network" business Satan talk? lol Later!