Friday, December 3, 2010

Blade Runner Never Fails To Impress

Thanks to Roman May

Blade Runner is a futuristic film based off the cult class sci-fi novel. This movie is one of the most well recognized cult-classics and is a favorite for many different movie watchers. Blade Runner is full of acrobatic action, guns, drama, and a multitude of emotional themes that make you appreciate the skill behind Harrison Fords acting.

The sci-fi aspect is what makes this film so interesting. Human clones roam in space freely, but their lifespans are set to end at a certain point. Deckard, the main character, is the one that is involved in ending the "life" of these clones. The main action comes into play when these "replicants" escape and come to the Earth with the wrong intentions.

"Deckard: [narrating] The report read "Routine retirement of a replicant." That didn't make me feel any better about shooting a woman in the back. " This quote is one of my favorites, and so powerful in meaning. Deckard is in a conflicting situation throughout the movie, but despite these non-human creatures needing to be "killed" he doesn't feel good about it.

Blade Runner is an excellent movie to watch on satellite television from, as most channels play it frequently. I am always happy to catch a showing of this film anytime, or anywhere.

Do Not Disturb

Now this is a hotel that knows it's clients!

How to Use a Doorstop

Instructions are overrated anyways.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Spike in our Electric Bill

Guest post written by Beth Klondike

Every year I try to convince my husband that he should lay off a little bit on all the Christmas lights that he puts up on the outside of my house and in our front yard. I really think that it's kind of getting out of control by now. But he honestly just won't stop, so I put up with it anyway.

I went online to try and find some new decorations that would take up less energy than the ones that we've been using for years. While I was doing that I came across the site and read through it and ended up showing it to my husband. Now this was one thing that we could agree upon, so we signed up for the internet service for our home.

Well, I found some Christmas lights that are supposedly more efficient than the typical ones. So my husband ordered some of them and is replacing some of our lights with them. Hopefully they'll cut down on our electricity bill some this year.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Artz Painting - War

Hey there.  I want to show off a few more pieces of my comadre's artwork.  Check out this bad boy and the Aztec poem that inspired it.

There is nothing like death in war,
nothing like the flowery death

so precious to Him who gives life:

far off I see it:
my heart yearns for it!