Saturday, April 21, 2012

Getting Ready for The Color Run 2012

Hey there.  So tomorrow is my first ever 5K run.  And what better run to do than The Color Run.  It's not a timed run, so there is no pressure to finish in the top whatever and it seems like it's a lot of fun.  Today, we had to travel to Laguna Hills (over an hour away) to pick up our pre race packets.  Turns out that you get an awesome The Color Run shirt, head band, a color run sticky tattoo, and a bag of powdered paint.  It looks like the wife and I are now ready to go.  I should have taken a pic of the stuff, but I forgot and to be honest with you, I'm too lazy to go out to the car and get them.  lol

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Adventures of Softita and Crunchita

Hey there.  You know what I like to do for fun?  I make up little short stories (and songs!) about whatever pops into my head OR whatever is on TV.  I don't do it for me... I do it for the kids!  lol  My wife is not the biggest fan.  If she is, she has a pretty weird way of showing it.  Facepalming is a form appreciation right!  See!!!  You did it just now, huh dear?  lmao!  Anyways, it's pretty common for me to start singing Family Maaaaaaaaaaan (a la Rocket Man) while watching Stewie from Family Guy sing it or see an awesome commercial and then turn to one of the kids and say, "In a world..." and go off and do my own little drama filled commercial of whatever we just saw on TV.  Yeah... I do that.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Blu Ray, DVD and Ultraviolet Copy Giveaway

Hey there.  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the first of the critically acclaimed trilogy by Stieg Larsson.  The Swedish version of the film is a great foreign film and the American adaptation starring Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara surpass it.  And now, you can win your own copy of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo right here on Metallman's Reverie.  But not just the blu ray or the DVD copy, you are getting 3 copies of the film.  Blu ray, DVD, and the ultraviolet copy.  The ultraviolet copy is for computers and mobile devices and it's perfect for many of the small HD screens that many smart phones and tablets now have.  This will allow you not only enjoy the film on your TV but also when you're on the go.  How awesome is that?!?!?  Here's Amazon's description of the film:

Metroid Prime 3 Winner

Hey there.  It's time to announce a winner!!!  I've had this game for some time now and I have only recently started to carve out some time to play it.  The winner will not be disappointed with this great installment in the Metroid series!!!  And the winner is...