Saturday, October 26, 2013

Online Writing Jobs You Can do at Home

Hey there.  You know, with Halloween and the holidays coming up, I found myself going online and getting stuffs more frequently.  You want to know how much of that I paid out of pocket?  Practically none of it.  Why is that?  Well, because I have an online job that is pretty damn awesome. I've been in the blogging game for well over 5 years now and throughout those 5 years, I have tried many things to find a way to provide my kids with what they deserve.  I've been fortunate enough that I have been in the blogging game for over 5 years so I've been able to provide extras for them AND spend time with them.  I know that there are many of you out there that do not have that luxury.  Whether it be because you are a traveling salesman or you simply want to add a little extra income without having to get a 9 to 5 job.  For those of you that are in those fields and want to stay home and spend more time with your families, you may want to think of finding extra ways of making some money.  Accepting some online writing jobs may be just what you need.  The best part about it is that there are countless possibilities for you make your fair share of money online and allow you to stay at home.  Just look at what I was able to do with my website.  Humor, parenting, technology, reviews, video games, movies, giveaways...  you name it, it's probably in here somewhere.  And because I have such a wide range of topics, I am free to write about practically anything.  That freedom has provided me with opportunities... money making opportunities...  money making opportunities that I will share with you guys looking to stay at home.  So, if you are looking stay at home and are looking for ways to make some money on the side, then you need to check out these top online writing jobs that you can do at home.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The PB+J Organization Helps Fight Against Severe Acute Malnutrition

PB+J Logo
Hey there.  I'm pretty big when it comes to letting people know about awesome charities.  Don't get me wrong, any organization that does charity work for the better of mankind is awesome.  Whether it be providing games for sick kids to play or provide resources for life saving research.  No charity is too big or too small for a shout out.  And with that, the organization that I want to bring to the forefront?  The PB+J Organization!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Enter to Win The Conjuring on Blu Ray and Check out these 5 Things to Know Before You Watch The Film Gifs

Hey there.  I love a good horror film.  Especially those that are based on actual events.  The Conjuring is just that, a film based on the well known paranormal investigators, The Warrens, and one of their well known cases.  If you guys have not had a chance to see this film, no worries!  Our friends at PartnersHub and New Line Cinema have provided a copy of The Conjuring on Blu Ray to give away to one of you, the fine Metallman's Reverie readers!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pacific Rim Blu Ray Giveaway

Hey there.  PACIFIC RIM!!!!  Have you guys seen this movie yet?  No?  It is freakin' awesome!  I simply love Guillermo del Toro's film and his latest definitely ranks up there as one of his best!  And guess what?  You can win Pacific Rim on Blu Ray right here on Metallman's Reverie!  Yup!  Pacific Rim is availble for purchase on Oct. 15th, and our good friends at PartnersHub are provide me with a copy of Pacific Rim on Blu Ray to give to one of you!  How awesome is that?  If you are not familiar with the film, let me fill you in.